Why Design?

I always knew that one day I would want a career that I would love, I just didn't know it would take me so long to actually decide on my career choice. Truth is, I still don't know. Although, what I do know, is that it will be along the lines of design, in some way or another. When I first attended college in high school, I choose Graphic Design as my major. Then when I graduated I decided to jump right into Interior Design at Washington State University. Interior Design was not for me. You will notice my Interior Design work at the beginning of my blog. I decided to keep it up because it really shows where I started on my journey. Now, I have found myself back in the Graphic Design program at Eastern State University. Hopefully this is where I will stay. If not, well, I am still young.

Monday, July 26, 2010

My Six Week Drawing Journey

In the six weeks I have been at school I have evolved and you can see it through my sketches. At first I started off having no idea what to do or where to even start. You can see my process and what I have learned. I have learned about forms and shading. I have now learned about perspective drawings, which I had never drawn before. It was something so new to me, but will now always be apart of my drawings. I wish I would have spent more time exploring more shading and options with my sketches. I know in the future I definitely will. My drawings aren't perfect and I am still learning and growing.

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