Why Design?

I always knew that one day I would want a career that I would love, I just didn't know it would take me so long to actually decide on my career choice. Truth is, I still don't know. Although, what I do know, is that it will be along the lines of design, in some way or another. When I first attended college in high school, I choose Graphic Design as my major. Then when I graduated I decided to jump right into Interior Design at Washington State University. Interior Design was not for me. You will notice my Interior Design work at the beginning of my blog. I decided to keep it up because it really shows where I started on my journey. Now, I have found myself back in the Graphic Design program at Eastern State University. Hopefully this is where I will stay. If not, well, I am still young.

Monday, July 26, 2010

My Six Week Drawing Journey

In the six weeks I have been at school I have evolved and you can see it through my sketches. At first I started off having no idea what to do or where to even start. You can see my process and what I have learned. I have learned about forms and shading. I have now learned about perspective drawings, which I had never drawn before. It was something so new to me, but will now always be apart of my drawings. I wish I would have spent more time exploring more shading and options with my sketches. I know in the future I definitely will. My drawings aren't perfect and I am still learning and growing.

Process Poster

When I finished this poster I was really proud. I got to see all my finished work laid out side to side. The design had an overall flow from the top to bottom almost in a sweeping motion or at least that is what I was aiming for. I took a lot of time in InDesign planning the layout and making sure the sizes were the same and lined up. When I finished I wished I had focused more clearly on the contrast with the pictures and background. I didn't realize at the time that the sketches and the background were similar shades. Overall, I was glad to see it finished and was pleased to see the final piece.

Textile Design

I spent a lot of time making the background for this textile design. I used Photoshop to create all the layers to try and make my own plaid. It was quite time consuming, but my knowledge of Photoshop greatly improved. Looking back on the design I wish I would have made it more detailed. I choose to a Scottish plaid because of my heritage. I also choose to make my own background instead of copying and pasting one so I could practice Photoshop. Overall, I am very happy with the way it came out.