Why Design?

I always knew that one day I would want a career that I would love, I just didn't know it would take me so long to actually decide on my career choice. Truth is, I still don't know. Although, what I do know, is that it will be along the lines of design, in some way or another. When I first attended college in high school, I choose Graphic Design as my major. Then when I graduated I decided to jump right into Interior Design at Washington State University. Interior Design was not for me. You will notice my Interior Design work at the beginning of my blog. I decided to keep it up because it really shows where I started on my journey. Now, I have found myself back in the Graphic Design program at Eastern State University. Hopefully this is where I will stay. If not, well, I am still young.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

ID 201 FA10 Child's Room Design

For the concept of my child’s room I choose the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. From the storyline of the book I choose my keywords grow, transform, and metamorphosis. These words relate to the caterpillars journey and to the growth of a human. From these words I began my early sketches and from those sketches I developed my concept model for the room. The spiral in the model shows the journey through life and the objects along the path represent the obstacles we overcome. I used many skills from the first concept development project. I analyzed the story and related it to real life. I also used sketches and colors from the actual book to work off from in my process work. My knowledge of analyzing definitely improved even more. My weakness in this project was time management. I spent way too much time working on the space model and building in every detail. Then I would realize something was wrong and start over. Next time I need to know what parts of the project need priority and not spend all my time on one thing. My strength in the project was relating all my choices and design in the room. I was able to tie all my final work back to the original concept, the book.

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